Makeup (as promised)

I’m going to try not to wax poetic about how much I love makeup and whatnot, and just put mostly pretty pictures everywhere…yeeeah. But, just an advisory: I don’t generally like “boring” makeup; I like to challenge myself, try new things, and be artistic and creative. Just keep that in mind, if you were expecting crap like this. Also, these are all from December ’10 or later (when I got my current camera). I could look through the files from my old camera, but there are thousands of photos from my old camera, and I really don’t trust that any previous looks were very good, to be honest. (I’m probably going to look at all those files later out of curiosity and find really weird embarrassing shit from when I had a MySpace.) PROCEED TO LE [elitist] CAMWHORING

My second-most recent look (I’m wearing the most recent one as I type [but not as I edit –Ed.], and it will be included in my next post). I do more conservative looks when I want to take a new Facebook picture. (No, I didn’t get naked in the middle of my photoshoot–actually, the opposite: The second picture was taken before the triptych [which, unlike the second, had been GIMPed for lighting and whatnot.)

See? Conservative (as in just eyeliner and DIY tinted moisturizer, if memory serves). OMG, look at my roots, THEY’RE NOT EVEN THERE. also my shoulder is fat

More my speed–bright colors! I really need to find a. A brow growth stimulator and b. A replacement Aristocat lipstick :c

My avatar/icon/Gravatarwhatever! The way I edited the blush andprettymucheverythingelse (in GIMP–free Photoshop if you’re more tech-illiterate–yes, I GIMP the shit out of everything, sorry) still bugs me, but I’m too lazy to go back and fix it.

This wasn’t/still isn’t flattering–i.e., I look like a frog. But I guess that wasn’t the point. But I also have no idea what the point actually was andi’mkindastartingtodoubtthatthereeverwasone. An aside: No, I wasn’t rolling. Besides my room being dark (lighting in there is SUCH A BITCH), for some reason, my pupils often enjoy being more dilated than is really necessary (maybe I’m constantly horny? sounds about right). Which really doesn’t improve people’s impressions of me when coupled with my loopy behavior, seriously everyone thinks I’m a nymphomaniac thizzed-out lush or some shit. Like, not that I’m not one, but not during school for Christ’s sake. Usually. I’ll just sit in the corner.

This is one of my favorite looks. Like, ever, yo. (I just ctrl+f’d “yo” because I was sure that I’d used it in this post before, because I use “yo” far too often. I hadn’t.)

That one, part deux. I had tried to take off my lipstick (err, Lip Tar) with only a tissue and had been unsuccessful, but really, there is no apologizing for blotchy lips. Several of the following photos include me without foundation/blush/contour/highlight or GIMP, which is really bizarre and just wrong, please ignore my skin thank you.

Oh, and also, a lot of un-tweezed and un-trimmed brows. I do that sometimes (I stopped doing it a while ago, though. I found that tweet by, again, ctrl-fing…”fuck.” Which I also use a lot, according to my tweets). Also sometimes, I’m like, “I’m going to do smoky shit, because I don’t do smoky shit!” But the reality is that I do do smoky shit, because I make myself. I’m just gonna stop doing smoky shit.

I feel like the diptychs should be consecutive. For a bright look, this manages to be fairly boring.

BORING. (There isn’t a shade of Revlon ColorStay that matches me, sorry.)

This would be boring, but I have a soft spot for this eyeshadow. It’s NYX’s Beanie, which can be found here. I got it when NYX had this huge sale, so it was bundled with pretty much almost all of the shades of that eyeshadow, but in their old packaging. I can’t remember the price of the bundle (and don’t feel like looking for the invoice), but it was definitely a pretty fuckin’ good deal for nearly a traincase-full of eyeshadow (seriously. Yes, that is the interior a Caboodle. No, I did not buy it for myself).

Green shit, part one

Green shit, part two (inspired by the cover of the September issue of Wired)

It’s patriotic (inspired by this hat)–it doesn’t have to make sense.

A custom mix on the lips, awesome lashes, and too much blush (on purpose, of course).

Hello, glitter! I love you. Good talk.

Not the same look, but I can’t really tell the difference.

Heavier brows kinda make me look like a dude. I kind of look like a dude in general. I’m coming to accept it. Even if I don’t come to accept it, I don’t know what I’m doing in this photo.

And, now, I present:

The best for last.

I had to crop my friend out of the photo (I have friends! [No I don’t]) because I’ve promised to never share the photos and videos involving her from this day. My friend is kind of ridiculous (the extent of weird makeup on her face was a mustache drawn on faintly with purple lip liner). But, um, what you need to know about this to put it in context is:

  • We dressed up
  • We went to McDonald’s
  • We filmed the results
  • ????*
  • PROFIT!!!!*

Let’s just say that the cashier was very nice to us, considering.




Thanks for reading, hope you’re not completely sick of my face!



* if you’re new to the Internet (old meme is, admittedly, old) and/or don’t watch South Park

About Helena

I'm too Internet-old for this.
This entry was posted in Beauty, Makeup. Bookmark the permalink.

8 Responses to Makeup (as promised)

  1. Jake Sauvage says:

    Ah, these are so cute! I saved a few of the images just because I’m like “oh, I wouldn’t do that…I want to try it out!” ahaha. I really like your taste and bold color choices.

  2. Jake Sauvage says:

    That’s what we have our faces FOR…isn’t it? 😉

  3. Ana says:

    Too… many… choices… can’t. choose. favourite.

    But I love your bone structure (creepy, aren’t I?).

  4. Love LOVE the purple hair! Purple is one of my favorite colors.

    They are all awesome, but I have 2 favorites, avatar/icon/Gravatar, and of course, the one above it( I so badly want to dye my hair that exact color right now!)
    Awesome pics!

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