Is it possible to make an ‘About Me’ not seem narcisisstic?

My name’s Helena and I have a shitty blog. I’m a native and resident of Southern California, human mutt, egalitarian feminist, agnostic, dog person, night owl, taxpayer, latent gymgoer, and queer lady. My favorite color is rainbow and I am endlessly fascinated by makeup, science, the English language, music, and body modification. I have studied chemistry and biology (for fun) and esthetics (for business) at a community college from which I never plan graduating.  When I don’t update this site, it’s not because I’m dead, it’s because I’m depressed and might as well be.

The typefaces used in my header are Day Roman and Shit Happens.

2 Responses to Is it possible to make an ‘About Me’ not seem narcisisstic?

  1. Daphne says:

    I’m going to jock your sentences. I’m too lazy to describe myself in my own ‘about me’ so I just put that I’m a loser and have no friends.

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